Tuesday 31 March 2009

the day that doesn't seem to end

Wow, this is something new.. im actually at school at writing this blog post because ive reached a stage where im both no longer bothered to do any meaningful work, and i have no means of doing anything else in this void-of-joy institution. I suppose im using this as some sort of release from the instant depression i felt in seeing my exam timetable today, in light of the previous post i made where i ranted about the pros and cons of going to university, its truly dawned on me today how..well basically..fucked i am! it will take a miracle for me to absorb the volume of information that i need to learn in order to pass these exams in the summer, a miracle whereby someone shoots a large gun filled with 'information' at a million handouts a second into my temple in a futile attempt to try and cram 200 pages worth of information into a brain that can only fit..none.

yes i admit it i am completely void of concentration and focus, as mr roberts would say i am becoming a "Susan" on the chart of people that will either do well or fail. i wanted to make my own category known as the people that don't concentrate and are consistently unfocused and still do well! but that path is becoming increasingly shrouded in piles of handouts and dense blocks of text on tourism, the internet and different types of coastal landforms.

whoever designed the exam timetable is a complete assface. he must have thought:

Examiner: "omg i have a great idea on how to ruin the life of all those students when it comes to exams! let me put a 3 hour geography exam on the day before a 3 hour computing exam! both in the morning! then maybe if theyre still alive afterwards i can go over and laugh at them as they cry"

Chief Examiner guy in charge of exams: "Damn thats the best idea ive ever heard, lets just make the content on those 3 hour exams as tedious and long as possible!"

well aside from the daunting task of learning piles and piles of information on things i will probably never use in real life, i have these exceedingly long and boring days to cope with e.g. four periods of geography on tuesday, and again on thursday?! and finishing at 4.30pm like all of the damn time. to exacerbate things even further, within the school environment itself im constantly surrounded my underling plebs in the years of 7-11 that seem to have only just recently mustered the intelligence to spell their names properly when graffitying...aside from the fact they dont seem to know how to do up a tie in some attempt to appear 'cool' they walk as though they constantly have a rolling pin shoved up their ass and in an attempt to alleviate the pain, loosened their belts to make their trousers baggy enough for you to see their 50 Cent underwear. yes you've guessed it, the school is polluted with chav.

i had an idea once...why don't we cram all of societies scum: muggers, rapist, pedos, chavs and just criminals and terrorist in general, into a large spacecraft fitted with video cameras in a Big Brother-esque TV programme, then send them off into orbit whilst we watch Darwinism cause them to shoot eachother and eat eachothers brains. maybe if one of them is clever enough they will learn to use the navigation well enough to fly them all into the sun! (p.s. this show would probably be more entertaining than actual Big Brother, which is the shittest programme ever made in the universe ever. in fact, watching that hypnotises me into wanting to smash my head against a large wall of iron and is akin to staring at a hippo's anus for prolonged periods of time i.e. nothing can come from it but shit. - James Ransome)

until next time! take care people

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