Saturday 4 April 2009


here i am..back from a short break from the world of blogging whilst i worked on turning myself into Hercules through my makeshift garden gym. In fact, as i type this its taking every ounce of strength i have left in my arms and wrist just to move my fingers up and down...but theres some saying 'no pain, no gain'..i have yet to see if that is actually the case. i know i haven't worked out in absolutely ages, so the reason as to why im bothering exercising now falls under a lot of things:
-the weather is nice! yeah!
-im becoming fat and i havent had an apple or some sort of '5 a day' in............
-i want to beat ali in an arm-wrestle and then take over the universe

aside from that its the holiday!! and i have an irresponsibly long amount of time on my hands during which i've been allotted an insurmountable amount of a matter of fact, the reason i choice to do geography is beyond me...not because of the course content, thats fine i think its actually quite fascinating, but in terms of the volume of dense nonsense you need to cram into your brain which to be frank is...well..NONSENSE! for example, i had to memorise and study in depth 4 classifications of soil, the areas that they would be found in, what leads to them becoming that type of soil and the implications it has on river discharge and the environment!! in that respect it is exactly how everybody perceives it to be, about rivers, soil and other physical rubbish that serves no purpose but to turn me into a vegetable...on the other hand, there are some interesting things to learn like geopolitics and stuffff..but the point is! the thing that reallllllly bugs me about this subject that no other subject does, is the fact that every lesson i get given 5 billion trillion HANDOUTS. large pieces of A4 paper, often in booklet form that contain case studies on Mexico and the Middle East with statistics on every thing known to mankind. including the amount of oil one person in a certain impoverished country has and how this will affect how we eventually destroy ourselves and the world. WTF. i have more handouts stuck in my book using treasury tags than i do actual pages of book.

i need to babysit and i have company so i bid you farewell!

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