Wednesday 1 April 2009

two heads are better than one

ok so it turns out that im at school once again attempting to fend off the uselessness of trying to get some work done.

And hi, this is Benj, his collaborator, a little bit like the Lt. to Kane in NOD if you follow C&C fiction

or if you prefer, the Sgt.Johnson to Master Chief if you are as jubilent about halo 3 as we are

jubilation not like the jubilee line where there is nothing to celebrate but the royal jubilee where there is nothing to celebrate bar street vendors selling you pop tarts loaded with tartrazine for the princely sum of 500 credit crunch pounds please

and seeing as we've stumbled onto the topic of the london underground system, in lieu of the song which has an unecessary amount of profanity in it, its shit!

theyre all lazy f(lecking) useless c(artographers), they're all greedy c(rops) I wanna shoot them all with a rifle, Natalie is currently grilling me with her eyes, this probably after i asked her if she wanted to model my beef to see if i would get das boot in das nuts

because to be body is too bootylicious for you babe. to be honest i think height restrictions on becoming a model is complete bullshit! because its difficult being "really really really ridiculosuly good-looking" in todays society

surely thats more to life, isnt it lewis, did you misquote on purpose? and thankyou, i can use marks of various decorum for my sentences to be stretched, like in Tony Hawks where you pretty much tick down a combo meter then spam the caveman for high score

unlike in Skate 2, the incompetent spin-off where there is a button for every single limb. move the thumbstick up and slightly to the left to do an olly, move it up and slightly more to the left to do another TYPE OF OLLY. what the hell is the point? you may aswell go the whole nine yards and make a button which allows your player to have sex with the skateboard

or go the whole ten yards by bringing back deniro and perry for another round of raucous bumming. So, this week, speaking of olly olly olly tits and trollies, we've a new cinematic outing that could be the greatest ever, that of Zac Efron and Matthew Perry playing a loser who turns into a winner. Its like Rocky for tweens, or Camp Rock, or the Rocky Horror Picture Show, or the Hand That Rocks The Cradle but like with a ladle instead for you to scoop out their brains with and see if there really is any matter within. On that matter...

Ye damn right...but on the other hand you could always just throw all of those over enthusiastic wannabe musicians into a House of the Living Dead game and watch them as they feebly attempt to sing We're Breaking Free

the song is actually credited on the OST as Breaking Free, get your facts right Lew. Ive noticed that its 12.49 and therefore I should really be heading off, but if you think about me now and then, with fires on lake Michegan, then im coming home again to meet chris martin's parents. And wouldnt you rather do that than spend the holidays with your own inlaws?

So in conclusion...whos the black cop dick thats a sex machine to all the ladies?


Ye damne right. Peace out, eight down. KOOOONVICT!
im naked

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