Thursday 16 April 2009

a poem plus more


sometimes things go by so fast,
so that we rarely ever see,
the moments that are made to last,
are right infront of us, we're just too busy,

so many hours and empty spaces,
once filled with possibilities,
that as time went by we foolishly wasted,
time is fragile, and so are we,

because people rarely ever realise,
that in a split second things can change,
a single action to our surprise,
can make normal, emotions that once felt strange,

we rely on time and so we should,
so instead of dwelling in the past,
focus on making the present good,
creating moments that were made to last

that was just a little poem i thought i would write before i got started on my next, often blabby and often funny (i hope), blog post. and welll i have got to say, there is a whole mountain of things that i can talk about given that i haven't written on here in quite a while, apologies for those that read this and were eagerly anticipating my next installation of intriguing blab, like waiting for the next amazing episode of some unusual drama to air on tv, only to be disappointed because the producer has decided to go to thorpe park and spend his time playing guitar instead o.O

yup, i finally went to that place that has yielded so much attention from my peers, particularly those lucky ones that do Business and get to go there, apparently, for EDUCATIONAL REASONS. pfft. shame on me for not taking such an unexpectantly lax subject, but nevertheless, i've been there now.. Thorpe Park, and at first i was quite apprehensive for a number of reasons, which were very much confirmed upon leaving. to avoid unstructured babble i'll try and put them into a bullet point kinda thing:

  • i'm scared of heights to an extent and the prime purpose for me going to Thorpe Park was to prove to dylan (that bitch) that i have big enough balls to go on stealth and shout "i've got balls on steel" in a Duke Nukem voice right at the peak. the TALLEST ride at the park.
but in my opinion, who isn't scared of heights? surely its only human to experience vertigo and your bodies natural defence system telling you "shit your so high that if you fall you will die, hence be afraid" unless your some sort of superhero that often flies, a pilot, drunk or desperate to seem cool by claiming your "not scared of heights" which is pointless. besides i just told myself its all in my head and that worked for me..somehow.

  • humans are idiots. they stand in a line, which leads to another line, leading to yet another line; except this line is encapsulated in little zig-zag fence as though sheep are being herded and might escape.. but they seem more fitting as a thing on which to sit if anything, since queue jumpers still take advantage of the fact they have legs and can climb. finally, once you've traversed the un-necessarily zig-zaggy maze for about 3 hours, you reach a sign saying "Main Entrance: approximate waiting time: 150 minutes" which is where the actual line begins. GRRRRR. by this point, it emerges to me my opening sentence "humans are idiots" more clearly than ever queue for three hours to queue for three hours to go on a ride for an average of 30 seconds! you waste 6 hours to experience fun, and excitement and joy and everything else i really like about rides at theme parks, for no longer than 1 minute!!! now i don't know if it's just me, but something isn't right there..
im not trying to appear like a wet blanket or some sort of old fogey, but come on people really? i love rollercoasters and everything else just as much as the next person but after having queued for that length of time, no matter how damn good i thought the ride was going to be before i entered that line, all enthusiasm and excitement instantly drained from me..i felt like i was going to go absolutely APESHIT! (ask dylan) but i got over it eventually and it was good..twas a good day methinks..

i had a pizza-eating contest with dylan, that moron, and despite the fact i can eat faster its just not physically possible for my stomach to contain a certain amount of was unfortunate they made it so clear that it was an ALL-YOU-CAN-EAT buffet and that the pizza looked so damn good, AND that dylan challenged me, because it led to me eating 10 slices in about 5 minutes which i instantly regretted..atleast he didnt eat much more (11) but he still won. damit. the irony of it is that by the time i got on a ride, due to the queuing time, i had already felt much better and was actually hungry again for more, which i would have gone and gotten were it not for the fact i would have had to walk past 500 eager line people behind me.

despite his scare tactics i finally did manage to go on stealth as the sort of finale to the day, and i did shout "i've got balls of steel" at the top very loudly which really hurt my throat, and dylan did a kool-aid man "oooh yeaah!" impression in response which took my mind off the fact we were about to plummet 200 feet. i think i could see my house, and a seagull almost hit me.

in conclusion, unless you count queueing as going on an exciting ride, and have an unremitting desire to stand boringly for hours until you turn into a vegetable, get fast-track tickets. for heavens sake.

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