One day, we wrote a story, Hiya k-r-u to the downs because its my turn to not be slippin on the 5-0 whatcha talkin about willis crips alert
ok im unsure as to what the hell that just was, but seeing as my blog has some special 'guest stars' so to speak i will allow excessive amounts of crap which i usually wouldn't permit were i writing on my own. (yes it is i the grand daddy)
A fine statement, however, i do not believe that you (above) are able to distinguish what 'crap' is, therefore, i would advise caution to the both of you when entereing the realm of venacular speech.
And this is Head Commissioner Sgt. Yo Yo Yo Pimple Slippers of the Black Dick Cop unit, a privately owned corporation serving Scotland Yard. My partners are Rameses, Persius and Drago. And Chev Chelios, that guy from Crank! CRAAAANK! Crankity-crank-tank-and-spank yomomma
errr..yes, danger danger. high voltage. when we watch crank and when we read benji's unbelievably random and cruddy shite. it could be argued that i am polluting my blog with this collaborative intake of fellow writers, but my blog lacking invention and new ideas i felt needed some sort of spark. similar to the spark that comes off of the chainsaw on Marcus Fenix's gun when turning the locusts into a pile of spam.
*goodbye mr a, you promised you would love us but you knew too much!
Their music is in traction, their number is up...and ive not seen much of them lately, did my landmine sowing of their estate really work quite as well as I thought it did?
for those of you reading this..if you are infact still reading up to this point! congratulations, you have proven yourself to be ready for this jelly. because we didnt think you could handle a body as bootylicious as mine. benji can you handle this?
[for reference this is not benji talking] and if you've managed to read up to here, you have criminally wasted a few moments of your life.
What ho, my dogs, we ride into the breach. But dirty because my rims, and hers, certainly are. Excuse me Kelly, but I've noticed that your jelly looks like lime. I've a little pineapple scrub and I was wondering if I could exfoliate your grass skirt. I.e. denature it with the enzymes and drop it off. Can you handle this mofo?
well anyway, i think this could go on for infinity were it not for me pulling it towards an eventual end and sparing benji from failing in history, as in writing this i have prevented him from doing absolutely any work. its 13.25pm and its lunchtime and im in here blogging now if thats not saying something i dont know what is. and yes benji i can handle this
until next time! guten tag
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maybe...just maybe....too many cooks spoil the broth :P